How you can help

Everyone can help look after Littleheath Woods by using the woods responsibly.

Please take any litter home with you and do not use the woods as a dumping ground for garden waste or other items. If you are walking your dog please clean up after them and use the dog waste bins provided at the Brent and Foxearth Road entrance to the woods and at the entrances at both ends of Croham Valley Road.

Littleheath Woods is criss-crossed by many footpaths and we would ask people walking in the woods to stick to the paths so that plants and wildlife habitats are not damaged. Cyclists should be aware that the paths through the woods are only intended to be suitable for pedestrians and so they should either dismount or cycle slowly to avoid accidents to themselves or others. Motorised vehicles are not permitted in the woods, with the exception of mobility scooters or vehicles used by UK Power Network contractors, Croydon Council or the Friends of Littleheath Woods as part of their maintenance work.

Practical Help

The Friends of Littleheath Woods go out every Tuesday morning* to undertake practical woodland management tasks. More details about a typical work day can be found on the Friends page. If you would like to join a work party then just contact the workparty co-ordinator (see contacts page)

Financial Help

Membership of the Friends of Littleheath Woods is only £5 per year per household and this money, along with any donations, is used directly to support the maintenance of the woods. If you would like to become a member or make a donation, payments can be made through the Chairman of the Friends group (see contacts page)

Buying Woodland Products

The woods are not managed on a commercial basis but woodland products are produced as part of normal maintenance work. We can provide logs for wood burning stoves and are happy to provide other products (e.g. wooden stakes, binders, etc) when they are available in return for a suitable donation. We sometimes have bags of locally produced charcoal available so please contact us to check on availability.

Reporting Criminal/Antisocial Behaviour

Horse riding is welcomed in the woods but we have received reports of riders straying from the bridle paths and creating problems for other users of the woods. If you see anyone riding horses away from the bridle paths please pass on a description of the horse and rider to the Friends group so that we can bring this to the attention of local stables and hopefully prevent any further incidents.

If you see anyone in the woods engaging in criminal activity or antisocial activity that would endanger other people or wildlife (e.g. riding motorbikes, starting fires, felling trees, etc) then report the details immediately to the Local Policing Team (Littleheath Woods are in the area Policed by the Selsdon and Addington Village Team) via the 101 number, via their Twitter account '@MetCC, or 999 if it is an emergency. Please also advise the Croydon Council Neighbourhood Safety Team (NST) on 0208 726 6200, via the 'Love Clean Streets' app or online at  Whilst the NST do not operate 24/7 they can carry out patrols up to 10pm and are able to liaise with the Police. Their email is

Unfortunately much of policing is reactive these days so the more reports you can provide to the approriate authorities when you witness antisocial behaviour the more chance there is of getting something done about it.